First stage (aerobic preparation)
Do not hurry to start strength exercises right away, but start your classes with aerobic training. This will prepare your cardiovascular system and increase your general endurance. Running is the most affordable and best option, but you can also do swimming, brisk walking, aerobics, etc. In this period you can exercise every other day or even every day, preferably in the morning hours. Before each workout do a thorough warm-up, try to stretch all the main muscles, make movements in the main joints with maximum amplitude. Do not make sudden movements. The purpose of the warm-up is to increase joint mobility, improve nutrition of muscles and ligaments.
Read the main article: Warm-up in bodybuilding
During the first stage, you need to develop your body's tolerance to loads in order to prepare it for high-intensity strength training. If you are fond of any sport (soccer, basketball, volleyball, etc.) and are systematically exposed to physical loads, you can skip this stage. The average duration of the first stage is 2-4 weeks. Before your first strength training session, take a break for 2-3 days to give your body time to recover.
Stage Two (full body)
Research has shown that beginning lifters (or those who have taken a long break) experience more muscle growth in full body programs. The use of full body training is also justified by the fact that basic exercises (squats, deadlifts, bench presses, pull-ups) in sufficient quantities release hormones that help recovery after training, which does not happen with rare loads of split-systems. One of such people is professor Selujanov, who checked in his laboratory the quantity of hormones before and after the exercises, and if after the lifting of weights on biceps the quantity of hormones in blood was 2-3 units, after squats or deadlift it was 5-7 units.
However, other, no less authoritative Russian experts in the field of powerlifting and bodybuilding (Faleev and others) believe that there are no hormonal emissions during basic exercises. And the various effects (e.g. attraction) after the same squat are considered not as a release of testosterone, but simply an increase in blood circulation in the pelvic area. In support of their hypothesis, they did a study on the hormonal background before and after exercise. In any case, to achieve the best results for a beginner athlete (or after a long break in training), it is recommended that at least 2-3 months of full body training be performed.
Before you start exercising, you should do a 10-minute warm-up. The purpose of the warm-up is to raise the heart rate, improve tissue circulation, develop tendons, and raise the tone of the sympathetic nervous system.
Use a working weight in the exercises.
Each exercise begins with a warm-up set: 10 repetitions at 50% of the working weight.
Each exercise includes about 3 sets and 10-15 reps. Do not be surprised by the high frequency of reps. The training program for the beginner is aimed not so much at stimulating muscles to grow, but at their preparation. With first power loadings it is necessary to achieve super compensation in glycogen metabolism, and that is why more reps are required. There are separate muscles (calves, abs) that require even more reps (about 20).
It should take 30-60 seconds for each approach. This is the optimal period for strength training.
Watch your heart rate during your workout. The optimal heart rate interval is 100-140 beats per minute. If the heart rate is less frequent, the training intensity is too low; if the heart rate is more frequent, the intensity should be reduced.
The third stage (two-day split)
Muscles gradually adapt to the load, and according to the principle of variability, to achieve a pronounced training effect it is necessary to gradually increase the load on individual muscle groups, as well as to increase the intensity and increase the working weight. In order to increase the load on individual muscles without increasing the total load volume (otherwise overtraining can occur), the split program can help.
Main article: Two-day split.
Stage 4 (three-day split)
Day 1 - back and biceps
Wider grip pull ups, 3x max.
Deadlift, 2x8
Weightlifting with barbell in bent position, 3x8
Lifting barbell at biceps, 2x12
Any exercise on abs (twists) without extra weights, 3 sets
Read the main article: Back - Exercises and Workout Feature
Read the main article: Biceps - Exercises and workout highlights
Read the main article: Bench Press - Exercises and Training Features
Day 2 - Legs and Triceps
Warm up
Barbell squat 3x6
Kick press 2x18
Sitting up, 3x15
Bench press with narrow grip 2x12
French press 1x12
Any exercise (twists) without weights, 3 sets
Warm up
Read the main article: Leg exercises and workouts
Read the main article: Triceps exercises and workout highlights
Day 3 - Chest, shoulders
Warm up
Press up with wide grip, 5x5
Push up on bars, 3 refusal sets
Army bench press, 3x8
Arms extension with dumbbells, 2x12
Read the main article: Chest Muscles - Exercises and Training
Read the main article: Shoulders - Training / Exercises.
After the third day, you need to take a break for at least two days. Classes in this stage can be continued for several months, gradually mastering new principles of training.
"Attention" The muscle groups that are worked through in the workout first grow faster and become stronger than the other muscle groups. [1]
Stage Five (Wave Periodization)
This stage of the training program does not essentially differ from the previous one, except that the program begins to include more complex exercises, a larger proportion of isolation exercises, and the number of repetitions varies from 6 to 15 using periodization. Read more: Workout Planning.
In addition, proceed to study:
How to put together a workout program.
The best mass training programs.
Effective principles for gaining muscle mass.
Training program for professionals.
High-intensity training.
Effectiveness of the program for beginners
This training program for beginners is based on a literature review and is a typical basic scheme. The program is suitable for most beginners, but there are exceptions which cannot be predicted and only empirical experience will establish them. A much greater risk of low effectiveness occurs with specific programs that are now widely advertised and promoted. Don't fall for the marketing bait, as it has been scientifically established that basic programs like this one are most effective.
Do not wait for significant results, they will appear only on the third stage. Don't try to force your development and skip stages, it will worsen your progress afterwards.