The benefits of good nutrition

Apr 14 2022

With a highly nutritious diet, you: Will be free of overwhelming cravings for foods that contribute to disease; Enjoy life without sadness, fatigue, or depression; Wake up in the morning rested, alert, and happy; you will be spared unnecessary expenses for additional medical tests and medications; protect your body from type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease; get rid of the fear of a possible heart attack; avoid coronary bypass surgery and its consequences; not be uncomfortable with your figure. Make the most of the opportunity to be a supporter of a highly nutritious diet by choosing foods rich in vitamins and micronutrients and forming healthy habits. You will enjoy your quality of life much more, knowing that you support and control your own health while enjoying healthy and delicious foods. The healing power is in your hands Why doesn't nutrition in our country, and in medicine in particular, get enough attention? Why doesn't everyone know that they can prevent high blood pressure and coronary artery atherosclerosis with the right foods and a proper eating style? Why don't doctors tell their patients that they can do without drugs, angioplasty and coronary bypass surgery if they change the way they eat? A highly nutritious diet is so effective that every physician should inform their patients about this disease prevention option.

A balanced diet is the most powerful cure for any disease; pharmacological medicine is largely a waste of time, especially because prescription drugs only give people temporary relief from disease symptoms and tacit consent to continue the disease-causing eating style that caused the problem in the first place. Do you have diabetes but still want to eat that donut? No problem. If you don't like yourself and don't care about your health, give yourself another insulin injection, or increase your dose of injection or medication and enjoy the disease-provoking goodies. In the meantime, diabetes will continue to progress at the same rate and under the same conditions that allowed it to occur. The choice is always yours.


Everyone who respects themselves and their health deserves to have information about heart attack and stroke prevention options. Everyone should understand that cancer is not the result of chance, bad luck, inherited predisposition or consequences triggered by some mystical unknown cause and that certain information about nutrition can go a long way in protecting against cancer. The research and discoveries that have been made in nutritional science give everyone the opportunity to make their lives better, fuller, more active and free from medication addiction and physical and mental retardation.


People need to know exactly what they need to do to resist disease. Drugs can't help, but a balanced diet helps to prevent disease, and that's the best way to fight disease. Who would want to end up in old age with a half-paralyzed body if they knew how this could be avoided? Who would choose dementia over mental and intellectual well-being in old age? Who would choose early death over a long life? No one!


A habitual high-calorie diet significantly reduces average life expectancy and seriously impairs its quality and vitality.


In addition, this style of eating leads to premature aging and chronic diseases that would not bother you with a balanced diet.


Our bodies are made up of what we eat. It builds tissues, repairing them, keeping us healthy and energizing us based on the quality of the food we eat. How can we deny this fact? People don't appreciate enough or even recognize the importance and magnificence of this simple concept. For example, studies have found that poor nutrition at an early age predisposes people to anti-social and criminal behavior as well as lower levels of intellectual development.


Violence, showing aggression toward one's own body, and low intelligence are the very real consequences of a poor diet that we do not, until a certain time, associate with improper food. We continue to believe that the source of calories is not important.


Over time, so many of us notice our high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes and the first signs of cardiovascular problems. These serious problems, we are told, are inevitable conditions of aging. And we blindly accept this fact. The only thing left for us to do is to take medication and allow doctors to provide temporary relief, relieving only the external symptoms. A person should take an active part in the fight against his disease, not remain passive, mindlessly swallowing the pills offered by doctors and believing that this is the real cure. Aging is a natural process of the body, but who told you that it must be accompanied by decrepitude and a bouquet of diseases? Man was not originally programmed to be ill - unlike aging, and therefore he is able to prevent any disease, but you need to have some knowledge.


Author: Dietician Joel Fuhrman


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