Diet for lean muscle mass and relief work

Apr 13 2022

Drying: diet and frequent mistakes of beginners Drying: diet recipes This article contains detailed advice on how to make an individual diet that will help you get relief during the muscle drying cycle. A relief diet is required for people who have enough muscle mass, while not suffering from obesity. First of all, the lean diet involves a gradual reduction in the caloric content of your diet by 10-20-30%, depending on your fat-burning progress. As you cut back on your diet you need to monitor your weight and the thickness of the fat folds. If there is a tendency to decrease the thickness of the fat layer and body weight by 1-3 kg per month, then you can consider that everything is fine. Reduce the diet primarily at the expense of fast carbohydrates and animal fats - it is desirable to exclude these food components altogether. If this is not enough - continue to reduce the number of carbohydrates and fats. Remember that the diet for drying should be balanced. You need to consume at least 10% unsaturated fats in relation to the total amount of calories in the diet (up to 25% of fat in total in the diet). Eat oily fish, it is rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, which contribute to relief. Do not completely exclude carbohydrates, they should be 30-40%. Carbohydrates should be predominantly slow (complex). Slow carbohydrates are contained in cereals, flour products from wholemeal flour and rye, vegetables, nuts, and unsweetened fruit. Take additional vitamin and mineral complexes, the lack of vitamins can lead to muscle deterioration and weakening of health on the background of a low-calorie diet. Eat often, in small portions, five to six times a day. Do not eat 2 hours before and 1.5 hours after training, except for amino acids and protein shakes. Take plenty of protein. About 60 percent can be obtained from food, the remaining 40 percent should be taken with sports nutrition. Protein inhibits catabolic processes and protects muscles without interfering with lean muscle mass. For maximum results, take a complex of sports nutrition for drying out. The diet also involves controlling fluid intake. The total amount of fluid per day should not be less than 2.5 liters. With a lack of fluid, metabolic processes in the body slow down, which in turn slows down weight loss. Also, dehydration during exercise makes the blood thicker, which increases the strain on the heart. So drink plenty of water during your workout, for example one or two sips after each workout.

Additional recommendations

Practice shows that good results can be obtained only with a combination of diet and special training. Read the main article: Training for Relief.

To accelerate the drying process, it is desirable to include a special complex of sports nutrition in the diet.

For maximum results, fat burners are used, in particular Clenbuterol, Thyroxine, Ephedrine and others, but you should remember that these drugs have a number of side effects.

Testosterone boosters and anabolic steroids in small doses can help maintain muscle mass (there are contraindications).

The best foods in the diet

The following foods are recommended to be included in the lean diet:


Lean meat

Lean Poultry



Non-fat dairy products such as kefir, cottage cheese and milk.

Kashi - buckwheat, linseed, millet, oatmeal, corn, wheat, barley, pearl millet, etc.

Brown rice and wild rice.

Legumes - beans, peas, beans, lentils, chickpeas

Vegetables and fruits

Mushrooms once a week

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