Psychological causes of daytime disorders in adults

Apr 15 2022

Since childhood, parents try to accustom the child to the daily routine by adjusting its physiological rhythms to a convenient schedule. Elementary convenience of the daily routine for parents, while performing daily routine activities, organize the child and accustom him to discipline. The rhythm, after several repetitions, is appropriated by the child and becomes a habit. Develops its own mechanism for regulating the biological and physiological rhythms of wakefulness and sleep, activity and rest. For example, in a 2017 study it was proven that one in two middle-aged women woke up unrested. The purpose of such a mechanism is to reduce the negative and destructive effects of the environment, increase endurance and efficiency of the body as a whole. An adult's daily routine is a mixture of attitudes coming from childhood and protesting unconscious outbursts denying both right and wrong elements of the regime, adjusted to the actual situation of life (work/study). I will further try to highlight some of them and assess the degree of their usefulness and harm for the adult. Let's start with the term "regime". Ozhegov's dictionary gives this definition - "routine". There is not a word about the right and not the right schedule. Moreover, the phrase "daily routine" applies in the literature only to children or medical institutions. Life observation shows that all people live by their own daily routine, including rest, work and meals. In fact, our entire life consists of work and rest from it. However, the way we distribute our energies and our emotions in fulfilling our life purpose does not always affect us positively. Pale skin, puffiness or bags under the eyes, a sunken look, early wrinkles very often a person earns all of this because of improperly organized day/night or because of wrong attitudes/stereotypes about the organization of his life.


"The body needs at least 8 hours of sleep to function fully." Wrong. Depending on age and overall physical activity, a person needs different amounts of sleep. There are norms for a person's sleep needs that are universally stated by physiologists and physicians:


In newborns, 20-23 hours;

6 months to 1 year - 18 hours;

2 to 4 years - 16 hours;

4 to 8 years - 12 hours;

8 to 12 years - 10 hours;

12 to 16 years - 9 hours;

for adults - 7 to 8 hours.

And by adult we mean a person 17 years and older. As we can see, the sleep norm is 7-8 hours. However, this is only the average duration of sleep for an adult, and it is not possible to judge from this figure the extent to which your sleep is sufficient for your body's needs. For example, there are blonde and dark-haired people on this planet, but there are significantly more dark-haired people than blonde-haired people. Can we conclude from this that a person with dark hair is the norm? And, consequently, a person with blond hair is ... an aberration. After all, such a statement will not be taken seriously!


The same is the case with sleep. There is a category of people whose individual need for sleep can be 3 hours, and there are people who need 12 hours for rest. There is no need to torture yourself with daytime sleep. If there is no need to sleep, there is no point in forcing yourself or your child (a graduate before exams) to rest for two hours. It is impossible to get enough sleep. A person may sleep one night more for an hour or two, another less, but he will "sleep" his monthly quota to half an hour.


"You have to go to bed and get up at the same time." Right. The biological clock adjusts and, in principle, can be readjusted throughout life. A change of time zone during a flight significantly upsets the established rhythm and causes insomnia, lethargy, and weakness. The same condition will be in case of a discontinuous rhythm of going to bed. A person who works in shifts (a day of work - night and a day of rest, a night of work - day and two days of rest) during vacation wakes up once every five nights and cannot fall asleep, because the body is configured to be awake and working. Some American researchers have concluded that people who work the night shift are about twice as likely to be obese.



"It's best to work at night when no one is in the way," "Can't work in the morning, sleep...," "Can't get myself to tune in to work...," etc. Right. Employability is "a person's ability to perform a specific activity within given time limits and performance parameters" . From this definition it follows, firstly, that a person can increase his capacity for work by means of volitional effort, secondly, because the basis of performance is the physiological and mental potential of a person, there are limits to the effectiveness of each person's performance.


Considering these two parameters it is possible to construct one's own model of performance, which will be aimed at taking into account personal characteristics, optimization of resource costs and leveling of external difficulties. However, it is necessary to keep in mind the fluctuations of performance during a work shift, a day, a week, as well as the phases of performance.


Canadian scientists conducted a study in which they found that almost 40% of men who were on their feet for long hours during the day, over the years began to develop heart disease, the remaining participants in the experiment - members of the male sex, who lead a sedentary lifestyle, did not suffer so. Sedentary work for women means being overweight, cellulite, diabetes and other problems, but only 20% of ladies face these problems. But at the same time, 80% of the fair sex who work standing sooner or later hear about such diagnoses as coronary heart disease, myocarditis, pericarditis and others. Also workers who are constantly on their feet, develop spinal diseases, they are concerned about pain in the lower back and between the shoulder blades, and may also appear varicose veins and thrombosis.


Emotionally stable and balanced


Figure 1. Emerging emotions and behavioral reactions.

"I'm too nervous," "I get annoyed...," "I overreact to everything emotionally," etc. Wrong. Emotional stability is a complex and not fully understood phenomenon. There is no single definition or approach to its understanding, with different authors offering their own definitions and, as a result, their own structure of emotional stability. All researchers agree that the presence of emotional stability reduces the negative impact of strong emotional influences, prevents stress, and contributes to the willingness to act in stressful situations.


It is impossible to say that a person is emotionally unstable, focusing on his actions, words or moral assessment of the situation. Action (in other words, behavior and actions) is secondary to a person's single-moment emotional reaction; it can almost always be controlled and explained logically. Emotion, on the other hand, is primary and occurs, as a rule, before a conscious and rational interpretation of the situation. In turn, this means that emotion is an almost instantaneous human response to an external situation, to an event. And if we could not think, our emotions would adequately reflect this external situation (like a mirror). However, this does not happen.


Example: we go to work in a high mood. Just yesterday, we received a bonus and bought a thing that we had dreamed of for a long time. Prospects are bright. Life is good. And even the fact that you twisted your ankle stepping in a pothole on the pavement is not particularly upsetting. "Who can not happen!" most will say, or "Ay! Wow!" Somewhat different will be your reaction to the situation with a twisted leg, if you are on the eve of a loved one left. Emotion does not reflect the external situation, it colors the facts and events in certain tones - negative or positive. An emotion is a situational evaluation of an event that has happened based on your own experience and overall psychological mood. Look at how an emotional reaction occurs to a particular event in a person's life 


Signs of emotional instability and imbalance are seen at the level of behavior, but they occur much earlier at the level of EVALUATION and interpretation of the event. Behavior is the result of the work of several independent and independent components in the human psyche. If a person creates an appropriate psychological attitude and motivates himself for a positive result, i.e. evaluates any event as positive or as an event he can cope with (bringing probabilistic luck, success, benefit, experience, etc.), then his behavior becomes more advantageous (at least according to the total amount of expenses of nervous and mental resources) than a spontaneously occurring due to a random mood.


I wrote above: "emotion is an almost instantaneous an event", in this small gap between fact and emotion and wedged in is evaluation, the very evaluation that the person himself can program or create in advance.


Meal Intake

Problems with nutrition and its correctness - this is a separate topic. Let me just say that you need to eat from 5 times a day and more, and also, if you woke up at night and realized that you want to eat, you need to get up and eat. The question is what you eat and how much, not how often.



Schedule of the day - a personal matter. It organizes space for creativity, for rest, for exercise and work. It is the framework of life plans and habits. We can say that it shapes a person, prolongs or shortens life, makes it rich or boring.


Thus, to the psychological causes of violations of the daily routine in adults can be attributed:


The presence in the mind and the implementation in life of incorrect attitudes / stereotypes about the organization of their lives, fixed by parents, guardians, educators, etc.

Striving to find the right and correct daily routine, to adjust one's behavior to it.

Ignoring the needs of the body and emotions.

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